
ORBS is a brand-new solution for customers with AML/CFT supervisory responsibility and is a unique risk management and analytics solution for intelligent reporting and supervision.

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Technology-driven risk mitigation

Introducing Online Risk Based Systems (ORBS), a pioneering risk analytics solution for intelligent reporting and supervision.

The never-seen-before technology has been created by AML Analytics to help governments, regulatory authorities, supervisors and corporates understand and assess the levels of AML/CFT risk within their jurisdiction so that inherent vulnerabilities can be identified and appropriate mitigating controls applied.

Understand your level of risk

For corporates

ORBS becomes an essential and valuable risk management and analytics solution for corporates, and especially those with broad geographical footprints and product portfolios. It will improve entity connectivity with head offices, facilitate risk identification and assessment and transform reporting methods ultimately leading to greater levels of understanding and transparency.

For regulators

The innovative ORBS risk analytics solution facilitates connectivity with supervised entities providing real-time online data gathering and risk score reporting. Identification of underlying AML/CFT risks within an entire market is radically improved via high level dashboards and resource-intensive inspections become specific and targeted, leading ultimately to more efficient reporting and higher AML/CFT standards.

The Risk Matrix

The Risk Matrix provides a helicopter view of accumulated market risk by providing an overall residual risk score as well as a detailed breakdown of specific risk per entity. Risk scores of core-level questions are calculated following a uniform score allocation system which has been developed in line with the FATF Recommendations.

ORBS steers the mitigation of emerging and prevalent risks within an entire market driving up performance of AML/CFT standards and facilitating top-down and bottom-up reporting strategies enabling previously unseen transparency levels between stakeholders.

The Risk Matrix presents the inherent risk and the control risk for each individual entity and the sector as a whole, as well as detailing the evolution of the specified AML/CFT risk profile over time.

Intuitive drill-through functionality supports further investigation into all aspects presented in the Risk Matrix pertaining to risks or controls.

Sustainable supervision​

ORBS is the only technology in the world that can support a qualitative onsite or offsite risk management assessment and deliver an overall integrated risk score that is derived from every risk mitigation activity carried out across an entire market of regulated entities.

It has already been recognised by governments and financial institutions around the globe as the only solution with the capabilities to facilitate a comprehensive AML/CFT risk assessment.

ORBS supports the full entity supervision lifecycle from licensing, risk identification, assessment, mitigation and remediation through to enforcement and beyond. It gathers information efficiently, assesses risks effectively and fully underpins onsite and offsite activities.

It transforms the transparency of residual risk to ensure that precious resource is deployed where it is needed most. It will revolutionise data collection, repositories, reporting, risk identification and assessment, all presented on a single screen as the ORBS Risk Matrix, and ultimately driving the creation of a recognised standardised risk rating across the globe.

Our solutions

Cutting-edge RegTech and SupTech testing, validation and risk assessment solutions for financial institutions and regulatory authorities.

Ready to talk?

Don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
+44 (0) 1264 889 339