AML Analytics announces partnership with the DASH Dogs rescue shelter in Greece

AML Analytics is extremely excited to officially announce its dedicated, ongoing support of DASH Dogs, the largest licensed dog rescue shelter in Greece.
DASH Dogs is run entirely by volunteers and is completely dependent on donations and sponsorship. Led by founder Katerina, the team at DASH Dogs cares around the clock for hundreds and hundreds of abused, homeless, sick, starving, injured and elderly dogs, as well as many abandoned puppies. Many of the dogs at the shelter would not survive without Katerina’s unbridled care and attention.
With dogs in need of care being brought to the shelter on a daily basis, Katerina often has to make the difficult decision of whether to buy food or medicine for them. Resources are extremely limited and the climate in Greece makes for very difficult conditions. The shelter is located in the Peloponnese region of Greece where temperatures soar in the summer and plummet in the winter, providing harsh conditions for any dog on the street and also for the volunteers working at the shelter.
On a recent visit to the shelter, members of the AML Analytics team saw the desperate needs of the dogs and the daily battles the volunteers have to face, as they rolled up their sleeves and lent a much-needed helping hand. No animal is ever turned away from DASH and the shelter is also home to two donkeys, cats and a growing number of chickens!
The charity’s long-term aim is to continue to work alongside the local municipalities in Greece to neuter, chip and release healthy dogs so that they can be monitored and protected. The DASH Dogs team is also committed to delivering educational programmes in schools so that young people in Greece can learn the importance of caring for and respecting all animals.
Our dedication to the shelter has driven AML Analytics to launch the #TeamAMLA run in support of the DASH Dogs rescue shelter. AML Analytics has been working hard already for several years to support DASH Dogs in as many different ways as possible. It is now time to step up, get more of us involved in the DASH Dogs journey and give back to an incredibly deserving cause… and have some fun along the way!