AML Analytics attends FERG 2023

Tim Holder at FERG

On 18 May our Head of Emerging Markets, Tim Holder, attended the Foreign Exchange & Remittance Group’s (FERG) 11th Financial Crime Summit in Dubai on behalf of AML Analytics as a silver sponsor.

Tim was up on the panel speaking about the benefits and challenges of new FinTech business models for the exchange house sector, alongside Mr Babar Muhammad (FERG’s Head of Payment Compliance), Mr Chris McLeese (KYC Director, Moody’s Analytics Moderator) and Mr Hasan Al Fardan (CEO, Al Fardan Exchange).

For our work in the region, Tim Holder was kindly presented with two awards to take back with him, where they are now proudly displayed in our UK office.

Take a look at some of the photos taken at the event below:

Tim Holder up on the panel with Babar Muhammad and Chris McLeese.
Tim accepting one of two awards.
Tim alongside the other three panel members.